Rad 140 reddit 2023. 2x NF-A12x25 with 120 to 140mm adapter ~68€.

4. Do not take Rad 140 or Lgd 4033 as a 'replacement' for tried and tested Anabolic Steroids. Also consider a Test or SERM base while continuing to keep hormonal levels in check. You’re fine drink more water and try and rest when you can. • 8 mo. Don’t stack Enclo and Nolva, stop the Enclo once you start the Nolva. I’m on my 8th week of taking only 5mg of rad140. S4, MK-677, RAD-140 stack. 18 year old male, 6,3 195 pounds. I did 10/10/5/5 for RAD and test came right back to normal when I did bloods. Also, save the mk for after the rad to help maintain gains. I’ve been off rad for about a month now. Then continue for a couple weeks post cycle at 12mg. 10. Height: 5’8”. More reputable companies are less likely to have that happen. You will keep more gains as well. ADMIN MOD. i have rad 140 and s4 in liquid form and was going to stack them both for a cycle mid year ready for a holiday in September, i have done few sarm cycles in past, lgd, cardarine and mk2866 all single cycles a lad at gym told me to stack the 2 Anyway, I feel much stronger, more aggressive and easier to stay motivated on tough days. This is why you see many people stacking the two together so they can back up the strength gains from Rad-140 with increased bone density thy will support their newfound gains post-cycle for years to come. reReddit: Top posts of April 2023. Eat, eat and eat! I’m on my first SARM cycle, rad-140 @ 10 mg. MembersOnline. cutting or bulking on rad 140. Science based discussion on harm reduction, and how to make the most of Rad140. 50K subscribers in the GregDoucette community. I ran it at 10mg ed because i had enough to complete 8 weeks with such dosage Do rad-140 pills work the same as the liquid version? Yes and no lol. Feeling no different after 2 Weeks 10mg per day. Stick with nolva and only use it on cycle if you really need to. Energy and strength down. Off pct for 2 weeks. My bench went from 255 to 275 in 2 weeks and my squat actually went down from 365 to 340-350 ish for some reason, I think its just fatigue that keeps me from pushing hard on leg days. Photo 1 (the mirror photo) is before the RAD140 in early April 2023. 20mg is very high though so although that was my first stack I think 10mg would be more optimal. I don’t care, It’s not. 15mg showed to make my hair fall out at an alarming rate. •. Rad140 gains are more subtle than test, you’re going to have to use the extra strength gains from rad140 to build muscle. That's unnecessary. On top of that 20 - 40mg RAD 140. Some specimens are rapid responders just keep that in mind ;). So, I got my tests done. 5 MG for 2 weeks. OK, so I’m on week 4 on rad-140 and my buddy gave me some mk667. For rad 10 to 20 mg is good. I got a very hard and dry look while on, the pumps were good but not as good as lgd. I would argue to pick one since both are going to fight for the androgen receptor spot. Will be starting my first cycle of rad 140 with my weekly trt injection of 200mg. I'm not a professional or anything, just what I've been educated on. they are a popular EU zone brand from what I've seen. Share. When drinking the liquid (measured out obviously) it goes right into your blood stream through the tongue, deeming it alot safer. 2. I plan to do an 8-week cycle, I’m currently 5 days into it Stack S4 if looking to bulk, ACP105 or Osta seem to be really, really good candidates for that stack. Add a Comment. Save the MK 677 for another time, you probably don't have enough anyways considering your post. They also blow sarms out the water for effectiveness. No pct. 12,5mg clomid or 5mg nolva ED should be more than enough for 10mg od rad. I'm going to keep my dose at 10mg for the entire 8 weeks, as this is my first cycle. r/sarmssourcetalk. It is in multi for sure, additional tab with mag, organ defender has 300 mg. Age: 31. Happened to me but just realize that we are putting something foreign in our body and the first thing are body does is use the immune system to attack it. They’re competing for receptor space and aren’t gonna really make a whole lot more of gains in return you get a hell of a lot more suppression. It's been suggested to take 10mg eod. Fuck s4 it can cause partial Stay at 10 mg no need to increase. Rad 140 flu like sympoms. ago. I probably did gain muscle at a little higher clip on RAD than I did Osta but with way worse side effects and a general feeling of unwellness the entire time. I would not take BTW anything where is fallen bodybuilder trying to earn on his next shot of oil and heroin. This subreddit is for all things Greg Doucette as well as fitness, strength, bodybuilding related…. You can go a fourth week, but probably going to be fine after that if your dose of rad was around 10-15mg. 2x Arctic P14 ~13€. Rad 140 is still in a research stage . Take time off and get healthy and get back kn the gym and train. What does this mean? My RAD cycle will be 10mg daily for 8 weeks, purchased off Chemyo. Crazy ass pumps and very solid strength gains came around the 3 week mark. Just use a conservative dose of the RAD140 for 8-12 weeks and you’ll see plenty results. I have never done a cycle before and i have been lifting for 10 years and always been natty. Normal range is <39 pg/ml so northing to write home about. 99% of you were gonna say that’s too high. Can I get any more advice on dosage, cycles, and pct to run with it or after? Also just looking for more general knowledge. 31 yo 5'7, 155 pounds. Keep nolva on hand if you get gyno. I'm considering hoping on 10mg a day of rad 140 and 10mg of ostarine for maximum lean gains. When I got my blood work back I Age:24 Weight:185lbs Height:6'ft. Nothing crazy happens, you just get stoned like normal. The real benefit of MK2866 that you find over Rad-140 is in bone formation and strengthening. I plan on taking rad for 8 weeks, 10mg eod due to its half life and this being my first ever ped cycle. Here is all the info I can provide on AC-262. So tbh these liver values aren’t the worst I’ve seen from folks running RAD. Hey guys, I’m midway through week 2 on RAD140 and I’m losing strength off all my compound lifts. d. im 72 kg and around 16-18% bodyfat. No bloods sadly. ( it varies from person to person). Gained 15 pounds and barely any fat. m. so im basically 18 days into my rad140 x 10mg and cardarine x 10mg cycle, every other aspect of the cycle is taken care of like liver Very true. RAD 140 nolvadex serm base and pct. You noticed more veins because you’re looking for them and you’re consistent working out. Start taking it every other day, rather than daily and see what happens. Yes. RAD 140 One Month Update. Also have some Enclomiphene and Nolva. That’s what the docs classified it as. Like every other night to help me sleep. I get some insomnia, my heart pounds and my blood pressure definitely raises. Recomp: 200-250 surplus and 40% Protein. 11K subscribers in the rad140 community. . Insane strength in the gym, I would undereat and have shitty sleep some days and still easily hit PRs. I feel like I cannot eat as much at a time as I used to. I have read that even 5 mg should be potent enough to give great gains. Rad 140 for beginner. Some feel it within 3 days, others in 3-4 weeks. I would do 300 max. Forget about RAD. On early days of S23 many people actually were sold Winstrol and that’s how it got its reputation. And it can be caps from the same bottle. Reply. Haven't used them as in UK no need but they are advertised quite a lot on UK/EU sites. I’m on TRT so suppression isn’t an issue. Start at 5mg daily. 0 of clomid. Eating at maintenance, weight has remained same. I’m going to hop on rad 140 10mg/ml from chemyo. It works by selectively binding to androgen receptors in the muscles and bones, promoting protein synthesis and muscle growth while minimizing the androgenic side effects often associated with The dosage depends on the individual (mass and tolerance), but for rad anything between 5 and 30mg has been used. Like tongkat ali for example lowers shbg, well SARMs nuke it, so adding to it will be bad. Best of luck. Noctua has a new 140mm fan (probably the NF 15mg a day for 5 weeks originally planned a 60 day cycle but cut it short because of hairline loss. Please mind that I'm taking 0. Week 1: RAD 140 5MG every day/ CARDARINE 10MG every day Week 2: RAD 140 7MG every day/ CARDARINE 10MG every day Week 3: RAD 140 10MG every day/CARDARINE 10MG every day Week 4: RAD 140 15MG every day/CARDARINE 10MG every day Week 5-8: RAD 140 20MG every day/CARDARINE 10MG every day Hey i need some advice concerning RAD 140 cycle, 10mg for 8 weeks. I took DHEA for a year and it helped me to have modest bone gains, but it's very slow going. Then finish off with the cardarine for a cut when your body is recouped. You probably don't even need a pct for 10mg of rad for 8 weeks. To make a long story short, RAD 140 worked for me, even at a relatively low dose. That mean it's safety profile is not fully analysed . I gotchu Bruv, cycles both osterine at 20mg for 8 weeks and did a 10 week cycle of rad at 15mg eod. Test is still needed but would be better for your joints. 25mg Ed halfway through should do it. Get the enclo now before that happens and you can keep whacking away and not worry gyno too. What do you guys think? Haha I think this was kinda bad advice. Also, the higher your LBM is, the more calories your body will burn so you should lose fat as you gain. I’ll be starting Enclomiphene Citrate on May 12th (my RAD140 cycle started 10mg of Rad is all you need. All in all though it’s worth it for me. Only things out of range worth noting was Estradiol @ 40 pg/ml. Bloodwork before and after cycle is key. 10mg rad start enclo week 3 and you don’t need to run both nolva and enclo. MrStringCheese16. It’s literally, no actual energy to even stand up kind of energy loss. Eat everything you can. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I think it's each person's body's Individual way of saying 'whoa, hold on I ain't never been asked to absorb this before'. About to do 8 week RAD 140 cycle at 10 mg with 20 mg of cardarine and 50 mg of S-4 split between a. You don't know how you will react to either of those. 1, they don’t push themselves even remotely close To what they are naturally capable of. Don't do it unless you have a decent PCT ready. My pre blood work was fine. I ended up using chemyo rad140 and increased the dose over Rad-140 doesn't aromatize into estrogen so no direct risk for gyno, the thing that causes it is the hormone imbalance becasue it's suppresive - you get acne,gyno etc. Also I’m trying to understand the dropper that comes with it which is in mL, which is the conversion to mg… thanks ! 0 Share. RAD has estrogen silencing effect and winstrol reduce synovial fluid in joint and to fill synovial fluid and collagen synthesis you need estrogen. Initial Weight (Before RAD-140): 84 kg Weight After RAD-140 Cycle: 78 kg Current Weight: 74 kg Total Weight Loss: 10 kg in 12 months RAD-140 Cycle Details: Duration: January 1 - January 31, 2023 Dosage: 10 mg daily Post-Cycle Experience: Weight Fluctuations: Dropped to 84 kg, currently struggling to maintain 74 kg Join. Some friends of mine have been fine with Rad, but had nausea on other SARMs. The bulk of it obviously hits fast. Got mine in 3 days. reReddit: Top Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now 2 months post rad 140 bloods and concerns 2023. ordered mk, lgd and rad stack but got sent 2 bottles of s4 rather than the 1 lgd and haven’t been able to find any information stacking the three together, does anyone have any experience or knowledge with these three in a stack? just don’t want to go ahead and start it blindly. Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussion. 5mg for 2 weeks then taper down to 6. It seems like this is your first cycle in which case you shouldn't stack. Clomid can also cause testicular cancer. o. I’m taking the capsules 10 mg each. ABN206. If you really want to get the most out of your cooling, then these are the fans that I would use (noise normalized, starting with the best): 2x Phanteks T30 with 120 to 140mm adapter ~72€. Tudca however will thin the bile and remove some of that stress from the gallbladder and liver. Sort by: Best. In the end It's your choise, and my final conclusion - rad140 is potentially unsafe . A friend of mine who has used RAD-140 twice gave me a bottle to try. I’m three weeks into this rad cycle and feel solid. I am thinking of starting the Enclomiphene my last week of Rad 140 at 12. Mar 23, 2023 ยท Test 250 - yk-11 - rad 140- cycle w/epistane kickstart. Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. With berberine, B6, P5P, Vitamin E. Take it every third day. The rad140 competes very hard for the androgen receptor so you don Maintaining a strict diet and do full body workout 3 times a week. I got enclo as test base for when I feel suppressed. Do not go higher than 10mg of nolva for a sarm cycle. I first just wanted to try it so i decided i was going to do a 5mg cycle however that changed during the course. Photo 2 is late July after my RAD-140 cycle. . Then you should be fine. Would it be best to bulk on my rad cycle and then cut after recovering or to eat at maintenance and recomp. I’d suggest RAD-140 @10mg-20mg daily. I went with nolva snd after my research it clearly was the best choice. If it's the German/EU Core Labs then they are legit as far as anyother company is concerned. Your 72kg๐Ÿ˜‚ on peds or not you should be bulking. Micro ingredients brand. Even if you have a enclomiphene base during cycle still need to pct up to 2 weeks after cycle with enclomiphene. Very unlikely you start feeling sick and tired after a week of just 5mg (it happens but its rare). EOD Or ED is fine, RAD140 half life is roughly 72 hours meaning that taking ED causes some overlapping, where as taking EOD would leave a gap. The safest way is to take it orally like a little shot. Like Educational-Ad said, you’re probably just sick. I’d also suggest LGD-3303 @10mg daily over any other SARM. One of its benefits is rapid bone density improvements, which is of interest to me. While NAC is great, it’s a shorter acting antioxidant of sorts for the liver. 5) but I wanted to get some opinions. These allow me to keep most all of my gains, strength and muscle. Also, start Cardarine or MK-677. Honestly dude, it’s not worth it to risk losing your gains. At that point though traditional AAS is cheaper, more effective, and has the same health impacts. Rad 140 7 week cycle 5mg first few weeks results. Yes, chemyo is a legit source , but I would urge you not to use rad. I am 171cm tall, been training for 4 years, starting at 57kg and now sitting at 72kg with 17% body fat. So I am about to start my cycle of Rad 140 10mg ED for 8 weeks and MK 677 25mg 5 D on 2 D off for 16 weeks. This is supported by this 4 year old post : 2. If you need help, DM me, i’ll set you up right. Hahahaha. Was sold that 5mg rad 140 was basically harmless and that drinking on it is not a big deal by multiple “gym I would like to contradict these other statements My lab rat currently on day 7 of a rad 140 cycle and is becoming extremely muscular at a rapid rate. Enclomophine is the the 2. Rad takes effect at 4 weeks… No earlier, it takes 4 weeks to fully saturate, like Creatine. Update: 7 weeks into Rad 140 and Mk-677. Should go away after a few days but you might still have a cough. 1: this isn’t regular hunger. 5mg enclomiphene every morning on an empty stomach. PaleJoe. 10mg is a good dosage to make plenty of gains with minimal side effects and Receptorchem is a good source, the gains will come. I’d start at 10mg rad. Rad will shut you down hard. What would be a good low test base for an 8 week cycle? I’m thinking 200mg to 250mg per week. Also got some acne while on. If bulking, don't go overboard on your surplus, call it 400 to 500 calories over maint. I don’t get drunk, And we’re talking 1-4 IPAs that are 7% Ive had blood drawn while on RAD and Ostarine both. Nolvadex or Raloxifene while on RAD 140 cycle? Help! Planning on running 10mg RAD for the first time, 8 weeks. I’m gonna leave this thought here, I think the people who get mind blowing results are for 2 reasons. reReddit: Top posts of July 2023. Clomid has gnarly side effects snd should be last resort. What may be too extreme adding 20 mg of LGD though. Reddit I would say, just do your tests, do pct, be responsible for your diet and training just to not waste the rad full potential. 2, their diet sucked and all of a sudden, because they are taking a compound, they completely Thanks for your uptake and also this is very interesting and good to know. If your T is going up because of better health, more muscle, and good diet with fats you will get hella horny though XD. I seriously doubt you’d receive a bunk product and their pricing is the best out there. Been on rad-140 for 4 weeks now and I've smoked every single day. Enclo as a “base” for both although using Enclo as a base is controversial I never have experienced suppression on either compound bc I ram Enclo from And don't forget if you take a high dosage for a long cycle of 10-12 weeks you may need to take a PCT to help your testosterone levels recover but otherwise good luck and keep grinding ๐Ÿ‘. 10 mg rad ED for 8 weeks. I would however strongly advise to not mess with RAD150 without a testosterone base. Run AC262 - 30mg a day and let the magic happen with little to no suppression or other side effects. Is this a known side effect? I never saw this anywhere. I got back to my home country while still on cycle, started to feel a bit more depressed and stressed, so I decided to get my blood work. Use enclo to keep lh/fsh up which will keep you producing test and make pct much easier. Even start at 5. TUDCA + NAC for liver support, if you heart rate start going up as well as blood pressure 5mgs of nebivolol a day will do the trick. If not start it at 10mg eod 2 weeks before cycke ends and pct at 20mg ed for 2-3 weeks post cycle. 1. You barely get any size on S23 and you only look little dryer. The hunger from Mk677 drains you of ALL energy until you eat, and once you start you will eat 3 whole pizzas or whatever equivalent. 10mg is the right dose! Follow your intuition when you’re hungry. Probably get mood swings from hormone fluctuations. I was hungry AF for the first maybe 3 weeks before my hunger leveled out. Chemyo doesn’t force you to As the title says, 20 mg RAD 140 every day. RAD 140 and liver toxicity. 2x Noiseblocker NB-eLoop B14 ~48€. 6. Thats why its important to get enclo dialed in and not changing the dosage up too much throughout cycle. Yes, that is normally what happens, but people are right telling ya gonna get dead dick, cause it does suppress. What do you recommend as first cycle, 5 or 10mg? and what cind of PCT should I take? S23 is BS Sarm. Try to adhere to maintenance caloric intake for the cut. 25mg of legit S23 barely matches 10 mg of Anavar or 5 mg of winstrol. And I was wondering if it would be okay to start taking the Mk this late in my cycle. It’s definitely more suppressive than RAD140, but i’ve seen significantly less other side effects with my clients. So to reiterate, I wonder if I would have been better off on a higher Doesn't matter how young you are rad 140 shuts down your natural testosterone or suppresses it very much you have to use a testosterone base no matter what anybody tells you. 7% body fat to 13% in 1 cycle and gained close to 13 pounds of lean body mass. The main argument behind 10 mg is that you get most of the gains with less sides, and uping the dosage will help with more fat loss. Everyone’s dosage is usually between 10-20 mg (some between 5-7. In the past week or two, my appetite has gone way down. With proper training and diet, stronger sarms like rad, lgd and S23 all can put on substantial mass over the course of an 8-12 week cycle. I highly doubt you even need a pct though. The reason you feel like crap is most likely because you have suppressed the heck out of your natural testosterone. At this rate it could take years, and once I enter my 40's the youthful effects of natural T, DHEA RAD150 is more stable and stronger than RAD140 with longer half-life. Now, as for Rad-140, it’s strong, one of the Dosage for Rad-140. Definitely, so if I understand this correctly ostarine is just more mellow than Rad 140. Does this go away? You only did 2 weeks of pct? Did you use enclomiphene? Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. Far too high run 10mg max. My total testosterone is 497 ng/dl and free Strength gains are better with rad140. With Nolvadex on deck in case I You will put on Lean body mass, while keeping about the same amount of fat or less, so your body fat % will go down as you put on the LBM. Seemed to respond to it very well absolutely no side effects. What dosages and how far into my cycle should I start the serm base and how long should i keep taking the nolvadex past cycle? -only have access to Nolvadex and Clomid and I would prefer Nolvadex. It’s most likely not going to go the full 8 weeks because it doesn’t want to become too large. Understanding RAD 140 (Testolone): RAD 140 is a non-steroidal SARM that was initially developed to treat muscle wasting conditions and osteoporosis. 5-25mg Ed starting at the beginning of the cycle. 3. Week one on cycle normally makes me feel a little wired and sick but settles week 2. I’m starting 10 MG of rad on a 8 week cycle and doing Test E as base. Yeah, you are doing too much. Weight: 148lbs. Rad-140 10-20mg Ed clomid 12. I’ve been taking rad for the past 6 weeks started at 10 mg for the first 4 weeks and then to 15mg after that. I went from 17. Hi guys, I just wanted to share my results of rad 140 for 7 weeks and I am a 26 year old. I kinda started where you are, had planned to I started RAD 140 4 weeks ago, and Around 2 weeks in, I was in doubt due to low motivation and energy that there is some suppression. I'd even look at the old Prohormone precursors like Halodrol (Tbol Clone Just run the enclo at a low dose, 3-6mg during the cycle. My liver enzymes were obviously elevated, and they were much higher from the Ostarine. Dosage during cycle 12. Other than that it’s the same. Jim6152. It’s more commonly known as a safer Ostarine not RAD and that’s only anecdotal, there is little data on it. Was taking 10 mg rad140 and 12. Reddit . You don't need to start enclo this early. Just finished 8 weeks of rad at 15mg, don't feel slightly suppressed or any symptoms. 25mg would be an overkill. Not really, it depends on your personality. 40+ mg is toxic, you can fuck your kidneys permanently. 15 Share. Hear me out on this, if cutting, don't go into a defecit of more than a couple hundred calories. Its better to pair RAD with anavar and atleast it wont be as damaging to the joint as winny + rad. I'm down to take it easy first cycle but wouldn't mind doing 10mg daily either. Rad is better than test for performance enhancement or feeling like Superman but has a lot more side effects. No it doesn't. And yes you should pct after rad tamoxifene 20mg daily for 4 weeks. NO PCT BUT GOT BLOODWORK. Caps are more likely to have deviations in dose, which can go both ways, under or overdosed. After my first cycle I grew quite a bit stronger and stacked on quite a bit of muscle. Hopefully you level out, but I agree with the comment above, 20mg is a very high dose of RAD for first cycle. Roughly one month (26 days) into using American Sarms’ RAD140 15mg and I’ve been happy with the results. 10 mg daily or 20 every other day. It affects different people in different ways. Go to sarmssourcetalk. I had pubertal gyno that I got removed around a year ago, so my main concern is having a gyno flair up as well as suppression. I’m just sharing so other idiots don’t come as close to winning the Darwin Award as I did and reminding others to do their research on this shit. Drugs effect everyone different. I was thinking of running Ralox 30mg everyday starting day 1 until 5 days post cycle, then running Lol test booster will not do anything but possibly do more damage. Liver support: NAC. I personally ran it at 10mg (ed) with little sides (only acne, slight suppression from week 5 onwards, but less pronounced compared to 20mg ostarine). Rad made me stronger then cardarine gave me cardio. Rad 140: 20mg a day (you can build up to this, but that's usually rather pointless besides of course a compound like andarine) MK 2866: 15 to 20mg a day. Wondering if anyone else tried this. Let them overdose if they want to. All questions and cycle reports encouraged here. I have done many rounds of RAD, LGD, Var and winny and S23 is the most useless of all of them. Call it whatever you want. Total shutdown is extremely rare. 23 pound gain. Third week of pct, half the dose. I want to gain a lot of strength and muscle while on this cycle but I also need to drop my body fat my goas 15-12 but im questioning how many calories i should be eating. Be sure to run a test base. Until you eat. If you get a certain side effect you won't know which one is causing it. 2: I can not stress this enough. To add to the problem you're getting it from 3party sources which comes with variety of risks . 8 Take 10mg every day for the entirety of the 7 week cycle (although I’d recommend an 8 week cycle with a 4 week PCT). • 1 yr. nac286. Give your body something to digest along with the rad. If you were to take a pct, nolva 10mg for 4-6 weeks is fine. Save nolva for if you get itchy/sensitive nips or they start protruding out. Don’t listen to the people saying mk677 because all that’s going to do is get you hungrier so it’ll make you look less lean and bloated with the water Rad 140 & test E for base. Test is better for long term muscle gains. Sarms are massively inferior and obviously with the likes of Dbol/Tbol/Var you know the sides and long term effects. Cardarine will make you lose more size obviously. No Broscience, No misinformation. Reply reply Evan_C33 Jul 6, 2023 ยท Testosterone at at least TRT level but higher will be better (200 - 500mg depending on your goal). 2x NF-A12x25 with 120 to 140mm adapter ~68€. week 1: - am: 10mg rad eod week 2: - am: 10mg rad eod week 3: - am: 10mg rad eod Rad 140 cutting questions Hey I am currently 200 lbs around 20% body fat and about to go on a 8 week cycle of 20 mg daily of rad 140. RAD isnt as liver toxic as Ostarine or LGD. I also wouldn’t call any SARM safer than another. Random question lol but does rad 140 change facial structures/features? Get the Reddit app reReddit: Top posts of August 26, 2023. I drink (no not binge drinking) 3-4 days a week, high end, very expensive beers. 5 MG FINASTERIDE EOD FROM 5 months as I have MPB, so check the reports please. It maybe just doesn't agree with you. 5mg daily up to 25 daily or e. Buy Tongkat Ali off of Amazon. The RAD 140 would definitely help with muscular hypertrophy in your jaw but honestly taking the sarm wouldn’t be worth it if you aren’t going to cross train by also going to the gym. RAD-140, 8-week cycle. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Rad 140 10 mg + mk 677 15mg for 12 weeks 2023. One pill could have 5mg and the next has 15. I’ve only ever used amino and have nothing but praise for them. Reddit Rad 140 week 2 and losing strength. Ive been told less is more In this case. For my entire cycle I run an over-the-counter organ defender (Rich Piana liver and organ defender) which make sure it has NAC and Milk Thistle. Your dosage is perfectly fine, don’t listen to the nonsense. It's not a safer version and it's not at all as strong as Rad. Dosage: 10mg/day. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ I may consider trying rad every other day next time, but I can definitely confirm that dosing every 72 hours is effective. Hopefully it settles down for you, but keep eating to help. AC is not as strong as RAD. Not sure if they said this because it's in combination with trt. I am interested, take before and after pics! 12 votes, 32 comments. Easiest purchase too, some sites don’t allow you to use your debit card and force you to use Bitcoin. m and p. So i heard Rad 140s half life ist not how expected around 20 hours but it can go up to 72 hours. That’s a very low dose. No side effects, no weird problems with sleep, nothing. Depending on how you feel after a week, increase to 10mg every day, or 15mg. I would reccomend doing a couple months on tudca instead of NAC. mn fp gu nl xt af mj zp fw bb