Matplotlib plot text in subplot. figtext(x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs) [source] #.

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Add the text s to the axes at location x, y in data coordinates. suptitle() or/and matplotlib. It is possible to mix subplots and subfigures using matplotlib. Jan 9, 2024 · The subplots () function in the Pyplot module of the Matplotlib library is used to create a figure and a set of subplots. figure(1) for k in range(Tot): # add every single subplot to the figure with a for loop. Adjust the subplot layout parameters. The following commands are used to create text in the implicit and explicit interfaces (see Matplotlib Application Interfaces (APIs) for an explanation of the tradeoffs): Add text at an arbitrary location of the Axes. subplots() Creating multiple subplots using plt. Parameters: t str. Make interactive figures that can zoom, pan, update. show() and results in the following figure: Alternatively, see the accepted answer to the question Hiding axis text in matplotlib plots for a way of keeping the axes but hiding all the axes decorations (e. Percentiles as horizontal bar chart; Artist customization in box plots; Box plots with custom fill colors; Boxplots; Box plot vs. rcParams['text. 1, 0. add_subplot(2,2,i) ax. View all code on this notebook. In the below example, let’s draw the sine and cosine graphs in the same figure. Parameters: x, yfloat. While I can remove the numbers of the ticks with ticklabel_format , this does not remove the exponent at the axis. figure() # ----- # 2. subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7,4)) #add text at specific locations in subplots. import matplotlib. 1, seaborn 0. See documentation and examples here. Row number and column number of the axis location within the grid. After the import statement, we pass the required parameters – the x and y coordinates and the text. Add a plot or subplot to it. Say you create a plot using. ie Jan 5, 2020 · Basic text commands ¶. Add a label to the Axes 's x-axis. ravel() to flatten the original list of lists. Create a figure and a set of subplots. ax[0]. dates as mdates. Passing sharex=True when creating the subplots will automatically turn off all x ticks and labels except those on the bottom axis. figure() for i in range(4): ax = fig. Each Axes can have a title (or actually three - one each with loc "left", "center", and "right"), but is sometimes desirable to give a whole figure (or SubFigure) an overall title, using Figure. set_title(<title-text>) on an individual axis object to set the title for that individual subplot only: Matplotlib maintains a handy visual reference guide to ColorMaps in its docs. suptitle# matplotlib. Currently Matplotlib supports PyQt/PySide, PyGObject, Tkinter, and wxPython. It took me a few years to get used to matplotlib. Using the text2D function to place text on a fixed position on the ax object. Tested in python 3. The use of the following functions, methods, classes and modules is shown in this example: matplotlib. Number of rows and of columns of the grid in which to place axis. sharex, shareybool or {'none', 'all', 'row', 'col'}, default: False. Is it possible to make the border of the plot cut off the text at the corresponding position and only when I pan inside the plot the the rest of the text gets visible (but only when inside plot area). By default, this is in data coordinates. The use of the following functions, methods, classes and modules is shown in this example: Total running time of the script: (0 Nov 12, 2020 · matplotlib. 11. Complex and semantic figure composition (subplot_mosaic)# Laying out Axes in a Figure in a non-uniform grid can be both tedious and verbose. the tick marks and labels). Additionally, you can set the reference coordinate system using the transform parameter. Figure labels: suptitle, supxlabel, supylabel. text(1. seed(1977) numvars, numdata = 4, 10. Also in the beginning the function chooses optimal alignment of texts relative to their original points, so we only want that to happen along the y axis too, hence autoalign='y'. Use plt. The subplots_adjust() function in matplotlib is a useful way to manipulate the subplot parameters, such as bottom, top, right, and left margins. subplots() ax. subplots (nrows=3, ncols=1) This creates a Figure and Subplots in a 3×1 grid. The text. The position of the left edge of the subplots, as a fraction of the figure width. Jul 8, 2019 · So if you define a subplot as (2,3,1), that means to break the subplot into a 2 x 3 grid, and place the new subplot in the first cell of that grid. 5, textstr, fontsize=14) In both cases the coordinates to place the text are in figure coordinates, where (0,0) is the bottom left and (1,1) is the top right of the figure. title("Trendline") # Plots the histogram. add_axes([0. py examples here. Unset parameters are left unmodified; initial values are given by rcParams["figure. text here: valid keyword args for plt. For the plot on the left since I was creating new tick labels I was able to adjust the font in the same process as seting the labels. On each axis I use the scientific notation. add_subplot(Rows,Cols,Position[k]) ax. Click this button to launch a file save dialog. violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a Feb 17, 2014 · The problem is that the text goes over the border in the figure window. This utility wrapper makes it convenient to create common layouts of subplots, including the enclosing figure object, in a single call. When using the object oriented API, the Axes object has two useful methods for removing the axis text, set_xticklabels() and set_xticks(). True or 'all': x- or y-axis will be shared among all subplots. Matplotlib makes easy things easy and hard things possible. 10, matplotlib 3. Apr 30, 2016 · 1. We’re going to make the example shown below with 5 subplots of varying sizes. subplot(224) plot_full_test_hist(test_data, low_lim, hi_lim) plt. Draw a first plot #. pyplot as plt # v 3. When embedding Matplotlib in a GUI, you must use the Matplotlib API directly rather than the pylab/pyplot procedural interface, so take a look at Sep 15, 2020 · My goal is to create plot with four subplots, where the bottom two are really just empty boxes where I will display some text. 'row': each subplot row will share an x plt. import itertools. The location of the grid cells is determined in a similar way to SubplotParams using left, right, top, bottom, wspace and hspace. plot(x, y) If you simply want to remove the tick labels, you could use. show() Creating multiple subplots using plt. text(x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs) [source] #. texts: t. In this example the plots share a common x-axis, but you can follow the same Creating multiple subplots using plt. [0,1] will sample 10 raw features x sampled at in [0,1] interval num_x: int = 5 # the repetitions for each x feature value e. Add text to the axes. Create a subplot at a specific location inside a regular grid. add_subplot() in the matplotlib documentation. subplots ¶. Using transform=ax. The following commands are used to create text in the pyplot interface and the object-oriented API: Add text at an arbitrary location of the Axes. Nov 26, 2022 · Add text to plot; Add labels to line plots; Add labels to bar plots; Add labels to points in scatter plots; Add text to axes; Used matplotlib version 3. Note that the xlabel "XLabel1 1" would normally be much closer to the x-axis, "YLabel0 0" would be much closer to the y-axis, and title "Title0 0" would be much closer to the top of their respective axes. Unfortunately, all of my efforts to remove the y and x axis tick marks and labels have failed. Mar 6, 2024 · Method 1: Adjusting Figure Space with subplots_adjust() To place text outside a plot, we can adjust the surrounding space of the figure to make room for the text. Number of columns for the axis to span to the right. The subplot will occupy the num1 -th cell of the given gridspec. To create plots that share a common axis (visually) you can set the hspace between the subplots to zero. Customize visual style and layout . There is also a tool window to adjust the margins and spacings of displayed figures interactively. whatever()` will apply to this # figure. gcf (). Jul 17, 2020 · This utility wrapper makes it convenient to create common layouts of subplots, including the enclosing figure object, in a single call. text(0, 0, 'My text') If you've lost the references, though, all the text objects can be found in the texts attribute: Jun 17, 2021 · Method 1: ravel() As the subplots are returned as a list of list, one simple method is to ‘flatten’ the nested list into a single list using NumPy’s ravel () (or flatten ()) method. If num2 is provided, the subplot will span between num1 -th cell and num2 -th cell inclusive. Jan 4, 2016 · With, say, 3 rows of subplots in matplotlib, xlabels of one row can overlap the title of the next. Annotations are graphical elements, often pieces of text, that explain, add context to, or otherwise highlight some portion of the visualized data. 2]) 25. – Jul 4, 2013 · I have several subplots and I would like to plot a small plot inside each subplot. pyplot is a collection of functions that make matplotlib work like MATLAB. plot(). rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title plt. figtext() at the appropriate positions. subplots_adjust. import datetime. violin plot comparison; Boxplot drawer function; Plot a confidence ellipse of a two-dimensional dataset Nov 7, 2019 · This is what's causing the issue (I'm trying to plot a square). We can also add figure-level x- and y-labels using Figure. ipynb. ax. subplot(111) plt. Or we can manually align the axis labels between subplots manually using the set_label_coords method of the y-axis object. transAxes we can put elements inside a plot in using coordinate system in which point (0, 0) is lower left corner, (0, 1) upper left, (1, 1) upper right, and so on. and for the font. Creating multiple subplots using plt. pyplot. This requires getting the gridspec that the subplots are laid out on. plot(np. Number of rows/columns of the subplot grid. figtext(x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs) [source] #. set_title() is rather straightforward. Jul 22, 2020 · add_axes() is a method of the figure object that is used to add axes (plots) to the figure as per the coordinates you have specified. 2,0. gca(). violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a Welcome to the Matplotlib bakery. I use the text() function to display the text [EDIT:] The code looks like Apr 20, 2020 · Four separate subplots, in order: bar plots for x and y, scatter plot and two line plots together. 5) plt. 2 Add the text s to the Axes at location x, y in data coordinates, with a default horizontalalignment on the left and verticalalignment at the baseline. ConnectionPatch. family rcparam, e. Feb 2, 2023 · You can use the following syntax to add text to specific subplots in Matplotlib: #define subplot layout fig, ax = plt. 5, . rc('text', usetex=True) #use latex for text # add amsmath to the preamble matplotlib. , fig. subplots(3,2) ha[-1, -1]. Add a label to the Axes 's y-axis. Now it's time for the pie. 3. I still like the simplicity of gnuplot a lot; and occasionally I use it for doing plots from the command line. index can also be a two-tuple specifying the ( first , last) indices (1-based, and including last) of the subplot, e. text; This answer is relevant to seaborn, which is a high-level api for matplotlib. Add text to plot. Sep 7, 2012 · Cols - 1 subplots still need location. The number of rows and columns of the grid. rc('xtick', labelsize matplotlib. We showcase two methods to position text at a given physical offset (in fontsize units or in points) away from a corner of the Axes: one using annotate, and one using ScaledTranslation. pyplot as plt. add_subfigure. ¶. Subfigures can have different widths and heights. subplots(2, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True) for i in range(0,2): for j in range(0,3): Aug 9, 2016 · I have a plot with subplots in a grid format (for the sake of this post, I'll say just a 2 by 2 grid). You can stretch or compress the left, right, top, or bottom side of the subplot, or the space between the rows or space between the columns. subfigures(2,2) ax0 = subplots[0][0]. Here is a minimal example plot: import matplotlib. A grid layout to place subplots within a figure. 02, 0. Annotating a plot. You will need to set the x and y values to correspond the middle of the right axes of the plot you want to add the text for and you can use verticalalignment and horizontalalignment to place the text where you want. You can read more on . textvar = fig. The use of the following functions, methods, classes and modules is shown in this example I'm trying to put some text with a background on a matplotlib figure, with the text and background both transparent. As such, you should be able to do lots of things with them if you keep a reference to them. png, png) If a plot does not show up please check Troubleshooting. As usual we would start by defining the imports and create a figure with subplots. pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt. png, png) The following plot uses this to align text relative to a plotted rectangle. Create publication quality plots . plot() internally, so to integrate the object-oriented approach, we need to get an explicit reference to the current Axes with ax = plt. 75',alpha=. show() ( Source code, 2x. Text instances have a variety of properties which can be configured via keyword arguments to set_title, set_xlabel , text, etc. Alternatively, you might want to place your text using the ax. Previously I was using gnuplot, but matplotlib is much more powerful; especially in a Python context. The simple way to add subplots to a subplot is by dividing the figure into subfigures and then add subplots to them. Should be easy, but it's not acting as I expect. texts: # Reduce fontsize to 10: t. suptitle() and the axes (subplot) titles using ax. Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 3. 4]) Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Return the subplot geometry as tuple (n_rows, n_cols, start, stop). , creates a figure, creates a plotting area in a figure, plots some lines in a plotting area, decorates the plot with labels, etc. violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a Labelling subplots. Add a title to the Axes. (1, 1, 0)). 'x'), or a direction tuple (ex. set_title() function. Add text to the Axes. arange (0. subplots # note that plot returns a list of lines. animation. set_tick_params(labelsize=20) This did the trick and was straight to the point. Specify the number of rows and columns you want with the nrows and ncols arguments. Add an annotation, with an optional arrow, at an arbitrary location of the Axes. 03,. 972 seconds) Download Jupyter notebook: multiple_axes. subplot. figure(constrained_layout=True,figsize=(10,10)) subplots = fig. def main(): np. sacuL. pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np. arange(11),np. set_yticks([2, 5, 7 matplotlib. GridSpec (see Arranging multiple Axes in a Figure) or Jan 5, 2020 · matplotlib. Yes you can use Matplotlibs text. Indexing a GridSpec instance returns a SubplotSpec. arange(11),'b') #b = ax. Number of rows for the axis to span downwards. x, y, text = . By default, this is in figure coordinates, floats in [0, 1]. I tried: f[f['figure'] == 'fig1']. The only real pandas call we’re making here is ma. pyplot as plt hf, ha = plt. Nov 25, 2015 · In case the OP wanted this: Here's the code: #!/usr/bin/python import matplotlib import matplotlib. string e. Dec 30, 2013 · 10. pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib. g. subplots (nrows=1, ncols=1, sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=True, subplot_kw=None, gridspec_kw=None, **fig_kw) Parameters: This method accept the following parameters that are described below: import matplotlib. One has to fiddle with pl. FuncAnimation. To be specific: if we put a text box using position (0, 0) a Annotating Plots# The following examples show ways to annotate plots in Matplotlib. subplots() # Build a rectangle in axes May 22, 2021 · The text method will place text anywhere you’d like on the plot, or even place text outside the plot. Controlling properties of text and its layout with Matplotlib. This example shows how to annotate a plot with an arrow pointing to provided coordinates. Here we iterate the tickers list and the axes lists at the same time using Python’s zip function and using ax. matplotlib. text() function. C/C++ Code # import required modules import ma Creating multiple subplots using plt. For a more complete and in-depth description of the annotation and text tools in Matplotlib, see the tutorial on annotation. transAxes,backgroundcolor='0. patches. pyplot as plt from matplotlib. text. plt. The default family is set with the font. May 18, 2019 · matplotlib. Sep 8, 2021 · Read: Python plot multiple lines using Matplotlib Matplotlib subplot title font size. axis() method here. If not, the subplot parameters are updated and second draw is triggered. This dataframe happens to be 10 columns wide and rotation_mode='default' (or None) first rotates the text and then aligns the bounding box of the rotated text. #Plotting. The position of the right edge of the subplots, as May 12, 2023 · Now, all calls to `plt. For my use case, it was the plot on the right that needed to be adjusted. See all options you can pass to plt. subplots; Plots with different scales; Zoom region inset Axes; Statistics. 5,-0. 6432 # insert a multiline latex expression matplotlib. Jun 17, 2011 · I found my solution from this matplotlib page. set_visible(False) Or change attributes (fontsize for example) in a similar manner: for t in plot. linspace(0, 2 * np. sstr. Here is the code from the example: verticalalignment='top', bbox=props) Matplotlib coordinates. Jan 5, 2020 · matplotlib. 5) so that it should my text does not appear in the figure, and that it would appear below. Example 1: Add a Single Text to a Matplotlib Plot def plot_with_error_bands_xticks_test(): import numpy as np # v 1. rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes plt. matplotlib is somewhat different from when the original answer was posted. pyplot as plt import matplotlib. transforms as mtransforms fig, ax = plt. Starting with a pie recipe, we create the data and a list of labels If we want to move them along x axis only in the case that they are overlapping with text, use move_only={'points':'y', 'text':'xy'}. 7,0. Parameters: nrows, ncolsint, default: 1. subplots(1,1) # loc works the same as it does with figures (though best doesn't work) # pad=5 will increase the size of padding between the border and text # borderpad=5 matplotlib. violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a Bases: GridSpecBase. See Text alignment. . 5, 0. Note. The index starts from 0. random. Figure. fig, axes = plt. The subplot will take the index position on a grid with nrows rows and ncols columns. 0, 0. legend_handler import HandlerLineCollection, HandlerTuple from matplotlib. You can embed Matplotlib directly into a user interface application by following the embedding_in_SOMEGUI. With all this in mind, let’s try our hand at it. May 18, 2019 · Basic text commands ¶. violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a Annotations. subplot_tool. plot(x='x_axis', y='y_axis', legend=False) plt. Labelling subplots is relatively straightforward, and varies, so Matplotlib does not have a general method for doing this. I want to plot some stuff on each and also add a circle. 5, "text on plot". preamble']=[r"\usepackage{amsmath}"] # data: m, j = 5. text(<x>, <y>, <text>): The Subplot-configuration button. text; matplotlib. This calls plt. 2 # the number of x values to consider in a given range e. plot(x='x_axis', y='y_axis', legend=False) f[f['figure'] == 'fig2']. subplots(2,1) ax1 = subplots[0][1]. The suptitle text. Adjusting the spacing of margins and subplots using pyplot. Here's what I'm trying and what I get: May 23, 2017 · Here I have just modified the code slightly to make the axis visible for all the subplots. At the end you still may want to provide some extra space for the text to fit next to the axes, using plt. One way to solve this issue can be to use a plt. Is there a recipe for hspace that prevents overlaps and works for any nrow? Text properties and layout #. The x location of the text in figure coordinates. Then create figure and add subplots with a for loop. subplots but for more complex layouts, such as Axes that span multiple columns / rows of the layout or leave some areas of the Figure blank, you can use gridspec. xaxis. align_labels wraps the x and y label functions. pi, 200) y = np. text (0. axis('off') plt. 19. axes. Note that you can use values in the position argument that go beyond your axes ranges. violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a Nov 29, 2016 · 17. import numpy as np import matplotlib. subplots; Plots with different scales; Zoom region inset axes; Statistics. Here is an example with some text parallel to the lines: import matplotlib. Feb 28, 2013 · You could use the ax. I'm still new to matplotlib so I'm sure there's something simple that I'm missing. It has a lot of parameters that can be set. 5,0,txt,transform=fig. The text string. subplots(1) ax. ax = fig. edited May 30, 2015 at 9:29. The example code would be something like this: import numpy as np. For a complete overview of the annotation capabilities, also see the annotation tutorial. arange(10) y = x # set up figure and axes f, ax = plt. family you set a list of font styles to try to find in order: The font. plot(range(10)) ax. sin(x) fig, ax = plt. # create subplots using add_axes. Hope this helps. multiple measurements for sample x=0. add_subplot (3,1,(1,2)) makes a subplot that spans the upper 2/3 This function is executed after the figure has been drawn. lines import Line2D t1 = np. We can turn off the axes for subplots and plots using the below methods: Method 1: Using matplotlib. Using the text function with the color keyword. suptitle. figure() ax = plt. Note this requires we know a good offset value which is hardcoded. Axes. fig. set_fontsize(10) answered Oct 31, 2018 at 21:18. violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a Texts are aligned relative to their anchor point depending on the properties horizontalalignment (default: left) and verticalalignment (default: baseline . x float, default: 0. text(0, 0, 'My text') you can do. Functionality shown: Using the text function with three types of zdir values: None, an axis name (ex. import numpy as np. rotation_mode='anchor' aligns the unrotated text and then rotates the text around the point of alignment. show() I want both subplots combined into a single one. subplot2grid. supylabel matplotlib. This includes highlighting specific points of interest and using various visual tools to call attention to this point. plot(x,y) # Or whatever you want in the subplot. text(0. rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt. pyplot various states are preserved across function calls Creating multiple subplots using plt. linspace(1,0,1000)) t = plt. # Create main figure. The columns spanned by this subplot, as a range object. Use this button to configure the appearance of the subplot. Text classs. The coordinate system can be changed using the transform keyword. fig = plt. 95,'text',transform=ax. annotate supports a number of coordinate systems for flexibly positioning data and annotations relative to each other and a variety of options of for styling the text. transFigure). It can be opened via the toolbar or by calling pyplot. Example Code 1: Creating multiple subplots using plt. pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Fixing Sep 24, 2014 · Text boxes are artists. axis() To turn off the axes for subplots, we will matplotlib. figure. suptitle (t, ** kwargs) [source] # Add a centered suptitle to the figure. 0, 2. For setting an intermediate, column spanning title there is indeed no build in option. False or 'none': each subplot x- or y-axis will be independent. pyplot as plt plt. Oct 31, 2018 · You can remove them all in a loop: for t in plot. latex. 8, 0. Apr 20, 2016 · Each plot in a row shares the same y axis and the plots in the same column share the same x axis. We modify the defaults of the arrow, to "shrink" it. from matplotlib. Each pyplot function makes some change to a figure: e. Creating adjacent subplots. plot(x, y) plt. 01) fig, ax = plt. pyplot as plt SMALL_SIZE = 8 MEDIUM_SIZE = 10 BIGGER_SIZE = 12 plt. The Save button. # - When done adding subplots below, you can create more figures using this call # if you want to create multiple separate GUI windows of figures. Oct 30, 2020 · The matplotlib subplots () method accepts two more arguments namely sharex and sharey so that all the subplots axis have similar scale. See some examples here. #Import required libraries. axes([0. Add the text s to the Axes at location x, y in data coordinates, with a default horizontalalignment on the left and verticalalignment at the baseline. We can specify the font size of the title text (for both figure title and subplot title) in the matplotlib by adding a parameter fontsize with the necessary integer value of the size of the font in the matplotlib. subplots_adjust #. Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1. x. subplots () function creates a Figure and a Numpy array of Subplot/Axes objects which you store in fig and axes respectively. 5. supxlabel and Figure. Dec 6, 2023 · In this article, we are going to discuss how to turn off the axes of subplots using matplotlib module. Subplots spacings and margins. Set subplot title Call <axis>. , [ 'Sans' | 'Courier' | 'Helvetica' ] You can lay out text with the alignment arguments You can use Matplotlib text function to draw text on the plots. I'm still learning. Hence, in any plotting code, instead of. The following code import numpy as np import matplotlib. text(x, y, s, fontdict=None) where: x: The x-coordinate of the text; y: The y-coordinate of the text; s: The string of text; fontdict: A dictionary to override the default text properties ; This tutorial shows several examples of how to use this function in practice. Is there a way to plot the second subplot in the same subplot as the first? Feb 7, 2020 · The plt. show() Basically, all I really want to do is in subplot section (121) to render simply a table containing the contents of an array or dataframe or whatever. 410 seconds) Sphinx. We will create a pie and a donut chart through the pie method and show how to label them with a legend as well as with annotations. figure() ax1 = fig. [name]"]. 3) or so. This is exactly the same example as the first example, but width_ratios has been changed: Subfigures can be also be nested: Figure. Syntax: matplotlib. data = 10 * np. #. subplots(2,1) ax2 = subplots[1][0]. The modified code is given below. family defaults are OS dependent and can be viewed with: Choose default sans-serif font. ) ( Source code, 2x. In matplotlib. 3421, 2. pyplot import text. fig, ax = plt. offsetbox import AnchoredText # make some data x = np. For dense, even grids we have Figure. title() function. pyplot as plt fig = plt. index starts at 1 in the upper left corner and increases to the right. Choose sans-serif font and specify to it to "Nimbus Sans". 2, r'\[' # every line is a separate raw Demonstrates the placement of text annotations on a 3D plot. Tags: component: axes animation. Thans, but yes, I put (0. collections as mcol from matplotlib. Setting the figure title using fig. The position to place the text. 1) t2 = np. title("Histogram") plt. 0 up to x . violin plot comparison; Separate calculation and plotting of boxplots; Plot a confidence ellipse of a The advantage of figtext over text and annotate is that figtext defaults to using the figure coordinates, whereas the others default to using the coordinates of the axes (and therefore "T=4K" would move around if your axes are different between the different plots). subplots_adjust (left=0. pyplot matplotlib. I just want a figure caption below the figure. Add text to figure. subplots(2,1) ax3 plt. 5, 20, 'Here is some text in the first subplot') May 30, 2017 · Alternatively use figure coordinates instead of axes coordinates and place the text at y=0, ax. The coordinate system can be changed using the transform parameter. It can now check if the subplot leaves enough room for the text. txt. subplots_adjust(hspace), which is annoying. 2 import matplotlib. random((numvars, numdata)) If you are a control freak like me, you may want to explicitly set all your font sizes: import matplotlib. jg xx ly ex sz nr kz zi tf az