How hard is it to get into waterloo reddit. html>nn UoW's backyard. MATH147 instead of 127 or 137), as it's harder work for a course that fulfills the same requirements as something easier. It resembles a future co-op interview, where you try to sell your personal goals and interests to the Waterloo admission team. Grade 12 is so much easier than grade 11. It's by and large just building on the same concepts, with a little bit of extension. Also depending on your long term goals I would say that Waterloo doesn’t have the best science program and the coop for science is not worth it, you’re better off going to a easier uni where you can get higher grades and applying to research positions externally It used to be up there with software with difficulty to get in. If I remember correctly, a requirement for MQF is at least one real analysis course and at least STAT330 and STAT333 here, or equivalent statistics and probability courses. That said I would say to aim for a 95+ avg and start the AIF early. It wasn't too difficult but I lacked the motivation to study harder. I’m in geomatics and all 4 of my coops have been CS coops, it all depends on your resume, nobody cares about your program. Waterloo science is good if your goal is professional school, but if that doesn't work out, it's going to be hard to find a job with You can get a 2 bedroom apartment for 2k a month (with roommate), even if you go extravagant and get a 1 bedroom apartment for 3k a month you still have 35k in after tax income, after food and cell phone and internet and other bills it's going to be at least 25k left over in after tax income, I don't understand these COL calculations that Realistically, what are my chances of getting into UWaterloo Software Eng? My Grade 12 avg based on 3 completed grade 12 courses (Adv Functions, Physics, and Comsci) is 98. If I'm not mistaken the stats show 80%+ of the 4th yr AFM class gets into the MAcc program (rest go into the diploma stream or don't carry on at Waterloo) If you study and work reasonably hard, you'll get in. There are some very easy short answer questions such as what are the legal grounds for a divorce, and the rest is multiple choice. Not in grad school but from my research in the past its definitely possible for ways to still get into grad school even if your GPA doesnt quite meet the cut. Waterloo's co-op program is the best in the country, if co-op is important to you. Computer Engineering Chances. I was wondering what the prereq admissions average is. I think the main barrier to entry is just having a very solid background in analysis (preferably measure theory - functional analysis doesn't come up) and a decent understanding of finance going in. You might get rejected if they found out you have a serious criminal record or are a threat to the school. 9K subscribers in the PreOptometry community. 4/4 CGPA 6+ publications in well reputed conference and journals. I am wondering how hard getting in as an American is. Admission average requirements were ~3-4% higher than single degree Math and CS counterparts when I applied. Passing math courses is not hard, but doing well in them is difficult. Averages hover from mid-60s to mid-70s. Waterloo frowns upon summer school and would penalize it heavily. The "individual selection from x" doesn't mean you need at least an x to get in; it means you need at least x to be considered. Out of the two I'd say nano was harder on average, but there are obviously difficult courses in both. MQF is very theoretical and you will be taking STAT901, 902 and 906 which will require measure theory. It's a 75% graduate entry program and there are no other requirements. SAT score: 780 math, 590 English. However those same people with lower avg didn’t get into programs like uoft who consider grades more highly. They have made it more competitive this year (you can't just get an 80 and get in). - People who chose math over CS. a transfer is almost impossible. Being in DD, you can drop either half of the degree and transfer in to single degree math or CS at any time. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Even if you retake the courses and get 100% in both, the most you'd have is around 85% because you get average deductions if you retake a course. Something to consider when choosing where to live. I had a 90% to get into SE, wrote no contests, but had a really good AIF. U of T and Waterloo both deferred me to alternate majors with these grades. 5. It's easy. Nov 18, 2020 · Waterloo isn't the easiest school to get into, but is it as hard as everyone says? In this episode, we discuss debunking the myths, how to get into Waterloo CS, Marks, stats, AIF, and more UBC would offer me $80,000 scholarship over the four years of studies ($20,000 renewable per year). Just try your best and I'm sure you will end up at a great school whether its Waterloo or not. The average score is 2, and very few people score 3’s. If you want to get into a university college residence it's easy to get into the one you want if you play your cards the right way. Was in UW is a top ten university in Canada. In Waterloo, I will need to pay around $67,000 every year plainly for their tuition. How hard is it to get into one of these programs? Like am I screwed or not. I'm going Ryerson accounting and finance and tryna transfer to Waterloo AFM, didn't get it in so wanna transfer. My coops weren't data science related, so I didn't have an advantage there either. Unlike most schools, Waterloo teaches first-year computer-science (CS 135) in Racket, a functional programming language, as an oppose to an imperative language like C or Python (won't get into the difference between them, but I encourage you to look up the differences between functional and imperative programming). Depends on your parents' income! My undergrad was bmath from waterloo with stats minor. President of my schools DECA chapter. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. You would be competing with incoming high school students AND other transfer applicants. Of course anything better only helps. They also focus on personal experience unlike other Canadian program if met minimum admission requirements. A public practicing physiotherapist doesn’t make more than 75,000 to 80,000CAD a year in Canada. Get a job. I'm thinking about switching programs, either to a different science or maybe engineering. Prime Minister of Student Council, Programming Sub-Team Leader of FIRST Robotics, VP of an Engineering Club, Chief Editor of Coats for Sheridan College, Greater Toronto Area, Canada is renowned for its Arts and Technology programs. Anyone know who I should consult at waterloo to get the big picture. We used to do waves. UWaterloo Math Admission Questions. Lots of people (not just at UW) tend to blame their school or whatnot for a lack of socialization, but tbh as long as you give even minimum effort into it, you'll make friends. Admissions. Your case would be very strange, and 100% you would have to talk to an academic advisor. Your best bet is to have very good extracurriculars for your AIF. You need to be good at thinking outside the box. ( my school options are very limited) So would IB be worth it for engineering especially with these courses and no MATH HL. Unless you're a super motivated student, I wouldn't recommend taking harder courses than you need (i. If you want to go to grad school, it's an S tier program. I had an interview with a gpa of 3. Some are harder than others. At the end of grade 12, I got the following grades: Computer Science HL - 7. Source: I go to Waterloo for engineering. Accounting. I've heard google is a requirement for anyone pursuing their masters degree. Lol if you think you can get into se with high 80's than you are straight up delusional. There are plenty of kids getting in with lower marks than the 95s some others are calling for. Waterloo doesn't have a general first year engineering program. Assuming you're a normal student, you have nothing to worry about. I get high 90 grades but don’t have many extracurriculars, but I do have 700 volunteer hours (don’t know if that matters). 91K subscribers in the uwaterloo community. If you can go through four years of hell at UW, it means you are smart and hard working and smart hard workers usually become great employees. - People who got directly into CS. So the admission seems like a lottery ticket, I'm wondering how difficult actually get into it, comparing to Waterloo cs coop and ut cs. Depending on how competitive your high school is, it is probably a bit easier to get into Waterloo than some of the Ivies. transferring to UW cs is incredibly hard for those who already attend UW. Senior robotics design team. If you want to apply for cs it will likely decrease your odds. *English and Econ were a 5 in the last term before apps. Hello, I am a grade 12 Ontario high school student who's looking to apply for Waterloo Math, but I'm confused at how they look at my mark and math contest results. I just graduated from an MPH program in December and when talking to the director they really emphasized the importance of experience. Student life was great if you find the right clubs or extracurriculars. First year was great, but I have had a steep mental decline since second year. You can have like a 99% average, 0 extracurriculars and no programming experience and still get in. If your experience is related to some How difficult it is to get admitted depends on the specific program you are applying to. MPH programs are a lot more competitive than people think. Software Engineering Class Of 2026. So if I chose to transfer to Waterloo, I would only get the first $20,000, which was equivalent to half of my first-year tuition in ubc. It seems like an interesting way to learn about Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing. AP Calc) in your junior year? Additionally, do your test scores matter at all? Waterloo didn't really take the same steps as McMaster in lowering the admission averages. I go rejected with a 93ish avg with a 70+ euclid score, made AIME twice, and did alright on CCC. The washrooms in V1 weren't bad at all. Having people in your program and in similar programs to me really helped encourage me to take initiative and push myself in the program, more than i would have if r/uwaterloo. To switch to math majors, you must acquire 3 uni level math/CS courses and have "strong grades" (likely 80-85+). Hello, I am an incoming freshman at Mcgill (electrical engineering). Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Hello, international UG student here planning to apply for MSc program. If you're just used to high school plug-and-chug type of math, then you would have a lot of learning to do during the first year. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to apply to Waterloo this year; however, I intend to conduct a credit transfer next year! Can somebody inform me what stats are required for a transfer to the University of Waterloo? Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Members Online The UW administration and the Palestinian protesters have just announced that they've come to an agreement. I'm currently taking the IB diploma with just enough predicted math scores for the math requirement on the website (6 out of 7) but I didn't take any of waterloo's math contests. Cleaned daily Individual showers with curtains, no one has to see you naked. Can I get into University of Waterloo Computer Science with this average? I also have written the CCC Senior and I can get about 30/75. The other 80% go out pretty much the weekend after the Euclid is marked (usually first weekend of May). Lots of people in my class live in Waterloo and it takes them 15-20 mins to get to Kitchener. Physics HL - 6. My grades are above the minimum requirement and I have a decent amount of extra curricular activities, but I know that this year especially was very competitive to get in. My ECs are as follows: Co-founded 2 organizations that aim towards teaching kids subjects related to stem for free. I am a high school junior from California and I really want to go to Waterloo for CS co-op. Otherwise V1 is cleaned daily during the week and UWP it depends on your roomates cleanliness sooo. . My references were just profs I had in 4B, I didn't really know them or anything. [deleted] • 9 yr. I’m in Waterloo honours math and I never took cs in high school. So it all comes down to ur AIF. 4 is probably borderline. When I got into CS coop in 2011, I had a 89 average, about 50 volunteer hours, one extra extracurricular activity, and a distinction on one of Waterloo's math contests. No1ofIntrst. Reply. I personally haven't heard back from Waterloo yet and I'm a bit worried and demotivated at this point. Amazing Account/Finance Recruiting. Currently, my top 6 marks are (including English): This is false. That being said the math specialist program is challenging. I'd say get at least a 90 for sure, but aim for 93. ago. Be that candidate. MS in CS here is called MMath and Unfortuantely your GPA is a main criteria. UW Math does not look at citizenship when making offers. And a bit of work experience in addition to research. Has anyone done the QSYS Camp? Is it fun, any tips for getting in? Sorry if this isn’t the best place to put this, but I recently found out about this as an opportunity. I recently got accepted into Waterloo's Science and Business program and I am really considering it. you have to be dead inside to get into ENG and thats the truth. don’t accept geomatics just cuz you think you can get the transfer to CS - the chances are very low. No one seems to know about weighting. Remind us in a few years if you are happy in Waterloo. Final exam is outlined with something like 10 essay questions, and you have to write about 4 out of 6 chosen for the exam. I took stat 330/332/333/430/a few more I can't remember, with probably low 80s average in those courses. Yes getting into a university is a great accomplishment but at the end of the day you shouldn't sacrifice your high school experiences due to stressing and worrying about whether or not you will get into a certain school. Waterloo tends to send out offers a bit later, so you can try boosting your mark with the midterm grades of second semester. About 20% of admissions go out in February to students who already have their grade 12 marks and have already submitted their AIFs. I searched BSW Renison Requirements and found the answer. But yes, it is entirely memorization. However, can someone tell how hard is it to get accepted based on my stats-. Waterloo engineering is world-renowned so its grads are highly regarded by employers around the world which means I know many people with 96-97 avgs who didn’t get in whereas people with 93-94 got in. For Pre-Optometry students to discuss I graduated about 2 years ago and I just want to know how badly I would get rejected if I applied today. Here is why I think AFM is underrated: 1. Only Grade 12 marks matter, but Grade 11 might be used if they consider you for early admission. You can find cheaper. Don't accept thinking you can transfer. It really depends on what program and what school as these vary so widely. That being said, there are more student housing options in Waterloo. Honestly, your chances are probably pretty low with a 81% average. The most recent information available shows that Ottawa has a range of entering admissions average for Ontario high school students of 83. ) Also mark the other UC residences as your other options to show you're We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 4% (Arts) to 87. Hi there, I’m a grade 12 awaiting an admission decision from Waterloo Computer Engineering. DD is not less competitive than pure CS or math. So you have to choose before you even know what engineering is about. My plan is to make the deans list at laurier and get 90s and maybe 100s in every first semester course (I got two 100s last semester, taking 4U data management and 4M family studies) , from there I can transfer to Waterloo ARBUS (transfer shouldn’t be hard since they literally want me now) and from there transfer to math for the winter for pharmacy, the minimum average to get in is 75% and they recommend around 200 hours of experience working in a pharmacy/shadowing (you’ll need a reference too but it can be from any health professional). Which, as I've come to discover, is total bullshit. 9/4 and an OAT of 340 but have very little optometry experience (11 hours shadowing) but abou 500 hours volunteering and have research experience. It starts with probably around 200 students in the first year and has only maybe 30-40 at the end. There's no way some kid with high 80's is getting in unless he's an IOI/IMO medalist and if you are, than you should be smart enough to get 95's easily. Good luck. At the end of my undergrad, I also managed to get a student line of credit ($20k) from a bank but this is very I recommend living in Kitchener so you're close to the school of pharmacy. It depends on if what you don't like about your residence is outweighed by the benefits of the community. Some of the easier ones such as civil eng can be possible, even at Waterloo and UofT, with low 90s. In general, there is no financial aid available for international undergraduate students. However, I did recover my tuition (~$90k) from co-op over 5 years so it's actually not that bad if you are in co-op (assuming you get a job). And a recent grad in private clinics isn’t going to have a full caseload; some places also limit your work hours. Instead, in high school I took all 3 maths, and for my first year course at Waterloo, I chose CS115! Comparing McMaster to Waterloo ls like comparing Boston college to MIT. The average goes down not because students are less bright, but because university courses are fucking hard. e. Sure you can get an okay job with an okay salary with a McMaster engineering degree in Ontario but Waterloo engineering is on a completely different level. I have met a lot of very social and friendly people here. It would be great if I could talk to other international MSc students. Focus on learning concepts in 11, then grade 12 will be easier, and those skills are the kind of study skills you'll actually use when you're here. And the content will be challenging. Math isnt CS, but you can easily end up in a CS career through math (they do overlap, especially first 2 years). 5%. - People who are straight up better at math than you. Chemistry isn't required for CS (but they would still penalize you when calculating averages), but it is for engineering. Having to take Math147/148/247 is also considered difficult by some people but it's completely manageable. you should ask the grad school admin since 75 average is the bare minimum requirement, while mid 80s are actually competitive. Our campus life thrives on student participation and our subreddit can connect you to other students in the area. Even if you don't get in, this will benefit your life. Plus, if I get lucky enough I can get a good My average is around 93, but I expect to bring it to 95 soon. Award. I got into Waterloo math without computer science, I didn’t apply to computer science though. i got accepted in feb (literally 1 week after applying) and atp, my avg was 89. I have excellent ecs (or so I think), such as founding and running a coding club, school prefect (student council), robotics team, varsity basketball, attending the SHAD program, completing online college CS course, coaching basketball, and volunteering at a hospital. Not to scare you off of transferring but one thing to consider is you will most likely need exceptional grades. I am going to be applying to the BSW at renison for Fall 2018 entry. At other schools like Ryerson and Guelph, you actually stand a very good chance at getting into them - even some of their top engineering. I just wanted to know how the student life at UW is, how the classes and professors are for SCIBUS and your overall opinion/rating on the school and program, and your co-op experience (if it was easy or hard to get co-ops). 95. I hear it's fairly important especially if you have no research experience. Calculus and Vectors 4U with a minimum grade of 70%. For the second question, no clue, but looking at volunteer work done by hours is silly and almost certainly not what they look for. I am very curious to see if anyone's heard back from Waterloo regarding their admission into SE. Advanced Functions 4U with a minimum grade of 70%. These figures are 5 years old however and will Looking for a job is in itself a fulltime job. If I do take IB my subjects will be HL: Physics, English and French and SL: Math, Chemistry and history or psychology. 3. this is first year eng not even before reading week, things will start to ramp up soon I would imagine. This specifically applies to CS as so many people want to transfer to CS. I’m a grade 11 student and I wanna know how hard it is to get into this program. Best I can tell you is that be prepared for exams to not be anything like you're used to. It simply doesn't compare. So, Im in the physics program at Waterloo, and I hate it. Video interview. AFM stands of Accounting and Finance, and that is what its speciality is. Discussion. Just PM'd! There are a handful of American/International students here. You’ll need very good marks and a good supplementary application to get in. 3%, and Grade 11 avg was 98%. I honestly don't think I will be happy anywhere else. Excellent question. You can get tons of jobs without going into grad school with a Math Finance degree. While they're not as challenging as they could be they remain very challenging considering the amount of marks they're worth and the time you're allocated to complete them. I did my undergraduate in waterloo with many analysis and math finance courses. 4. According to the conversion table, this is a between a 93% and 96% average. Ie your upper year grades are pretty good even your you bombed the first to year, or you go into grad school I'd estimate ~95% entrance average for both programs this year, and around 10% of applicants accepted. Saw the the first year courses and they seem like the courses I do of course want to get into Waterloo, probably engineering. Sep 2, 2021 · According to the school’s website, to be considered for admission into the Bachelor of Architectural Studies, you are required to take the following courses in high school: English 4U with a minimum grade of 75%. There’s no guaranteed chance at admission, but you have a shot. How hard to transfer to Waterloo. I want to apply for actuarial science major with co-op and need to get into Mathematics first. It takes some effort and patience. If you do well on contest problems, then you would have an easier time approaching first year math. Don't know about UTSC CS though. (Go on a tour, a leave your name, learn as much you can about the residence to mention things on your application that are relevant, etc. they accept 120 students every year but i’m not sure how many apply (i would guess around 250-300 or so). Work hard. EC: Dep. Current MQF student here. Thank you for every reply. I don't really know what else to tell you but hope for the best but prepare for the worst. For the first question, google it. I stayed in the physics LLC in my first year and it was definitely worth it. (First year, Waterloo Math) Any questions, just ask! Hey Hey! I am a first-year student at Waterloo Math, I graduated last year with a 97% average and applied generally for computer science programs. 9. It is easy to get in but many people won't complete it because it's very demanding. Thank you. Look at the entrance requirements. My current average is a 91. In fact, it is more competitive. Switched out of nano after 2 years, into software, which I've now done 2 years in. This is a new, optional component of the admission process for Waterloo Engineering, worth up to 3 additional points. And quite frankly, candidates with some skills and a willingness to take on something just to get their foot in the door will always be in the front of the line. The only "downside" is having to wear flip flops. Yes, it IS hard to get into a top tier university. Now it's a bit more relaxed since people understand that it's more a materials engineering program with some circuits, bio and quantum mechanics courses thrown in. Computer engineering is quickly becoming very competitive. The uni you go to doesn't matter as long as you are someone who has the work ethic and drive to do great things, some unis just provide certain boosts, either way If you're likely to focus on a non-cs math discipline in the future, then UW Math is definitely the way to go. On the other hand, the price of tuition in the US is ABSURD, you can't possibly pay for school on your own without crippling student debt. It's only a couple of courses away from an actsc or stats degree, and a CS minor. The general consensus is that the financial burden of being an international student is not really worth it. If you have family from Canada (going back to grandparents I think) or citizenship, your tuition is WAY more reasonable. I recently got rejected from Waterloo Engineering for both my primary and secondary choices (mechatronics engineering, and computer engineering). EDIT: This is assuming you're from If you make friends easily back at home, you'll make friends easily here. Getting into uni isn’t even the hard part surviving it with high grades is. While grades are important, many programs look at experience in public health-related positions and why you want to go into public health. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Many of the professors are nice and accommodating if you approach them. But I currently work in Waterloo. • 2 yr. Waterloo has a solid reputation for attracting some of the smartest math students in the country, and the environment really helps you learn and become more passionate about math. If you have AP/IB courses, it is possible that will help with admissions, as would taking any mathematics contests. A community for grade 12s in Ontario to discuss things about university admissions, OSAP, OUAC/OCAS uploads, and general program queries. Math to CS is very very difficult. It really boils down to your aptitude. I currently have a 98% average as of right now and Im wondering do I still even have a chance? For Waterloo life sciences, you're basically guaranteed to be admitted with that mark. If you're remarkably good at the math side of things you'll excel in some programs and find the workload easier to manage. Edit: I was invited for an interview. You’ll be ok for MMF, but MQF might get a little hairy. Ive been entering the contests that Waterloo runs for highschool students since the beginning of grade 10. 5% (Science, Music). Does Waterloo only look at 12th grade or do they look at 11th grade as well if you take some pre-req courses (ex. Do extracurriculars. There's a reason that UW is one of employers' favorite universities to hire from because UW is hard to get in and also hard to graduate from. I predict my Grade 11-12 averages to be around 90-95%. You're going to be competing against. While it is possible to get a job in marketing or consulting, if you are interested in a job in accounting or finance, AFM is a great place to be. definitely not. I know it’s the cream of thr cream of the crop, and it would be… The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I had a look at the pure math courses at University of Waterloo and the offerings are pretty similar. Overall average 85ish. I went to McMaster. Math AA HL - 6. me mj nn us de ot ss cb kr kc