Best aita reddit husband. Aged 18 I married my high school sweetheart.

They have not told you for a reason. Living-Artichoke-315. He said he was going to a work trip but we later found out that all of that was just another one of his lies and he was actually on a cheating trip. She just threw some garbage in the trash. 3) Find a way to help Tim’s family without blowing our cover. But I hope by this time next year, you’re only caring for two children, instead of three. Comparing his dad's actions to her husband's might help clarify things. AITA for asking my husband if he did anything for Mother’s Day. My husband said my behavior was appalling and that he questioned if I had any respect for him. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We were at a small house party with a few friends of mine from college and we were discussing books we’ve all read, when at one point one of my friends (let’s call him We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. trigger warnings: suicide, assault, animal cruelty. A NTA verdict sometimes equates to burning the other person at the stake. My husband is devestated for his best friend's loss, (they're so close that he sees him as a friend) understandably so. Jolly_Ad3178. This one is easily the best IMO. This completely caught Meredith of guard and it totally offended her that I’d kept this information from her. I am now 8 months pregnant, almost 9 with a girl. OP’s immediate refusal of the visit due to an important meeting is a boundary stomp on husband’s part. She ended up divorcing the AP and a few years later married her current husband. They repair and fix their own computers together, go shopping for parts, etc. For some historical context, I’ve had two serious relationships in my life. The meeting was, for lack of a better word, a ridiculous event. Not the A-hole. (2) I might be the ah for not waking him up when I could've taken few minutes to get him to get up since he didn't have any other way of waking up and was relying on me. Not to be arrogant, but a lot of guys like me. Her only two boyfriends both confessed to me. The name is embroidered onto a blanket that has We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AITA for telling my husband that his grown nephew and his GF cannot move in. For context, my husband loves to travel and sometimes even does it solo. 1. r/AmItheAsshole. Before we got married we had a conversation about what we wanted from each other and what some of our main goals were. My husband has a big family, 4 sisters and a brother, and they are all very close. Vote and comment on others' posts. A few days ago my ex-husband mistakenly transferred two payments of 8700 and 9275. This is marriage destroying stuff if I ever heard it. My husband was very close friends with a woman (Let’s call her Ava) that he has Not the A-hole. His cousin Martin (m38) lost his wife to cancer 6 months ago. I turned them down. (In case I’m not being clear enough: you should leave him. u/husbandlie you are a great mom. Edit: Thank you all for your input. AITA for telling my Husband our son was gay? Not the A-hole. Also, he's definitely cheating on you. Our relationship has been without any problems until the week before our wedding. He’s not obligated to love you, but he should at least respect you. If he’s so unhappy, he should have broken up and done things right. 1) absolutely a horrible idea to put Tim on the ticket. Ok-Win3088. And he admits to talking trash about his own wife. Mansplaining - Wikipedia. AITA for embarrassing my husband in front of his friends? Not the A-hole. My husband was laid off in late 2020, got a job in May 2021. informing her husband of their private messages. DuhChappers. AITAH My husband said It's my fault. I asked him not to go again, and he just gave me this cold, expressionless stare. Aita for making my ex husband look bad in front of his family. He's eating 3 cheeseburgers to bulk up for a new side woman who has a thing for large men. The BF is clearly in the wrong for being controlling and cruel about his GF's dumb thing. Ex friend apologizes for everything: she'd caught BF cheating and when they broke up, he admitted he lied about the ADMIN MOD. It was very hard on him and his father. Throughout those years on different occasions friends have told me this friend Originally posted to r/AITAH. That's the story that's told. He's always deeply wanted to be a father, so Told the friend, BF convinced friend OP had made a pass, friend got OP ostracised from their friend group by spreading rumours that she was a homewrecker. The holidays were rough. We’ve been together for 4 years, married for 2. He screamed that i was awful for digging up his past when he wasnt ready. Op is a great mom, and went overboard (in a good way),first to convince her husband and second to endure her husband's blaming, and having her daughter living away from her, cause I believe she knew all along, once free and safe, her daughter wouldn't come back. AITA for dropping my friends for revealing my husband's infidelity? I've known for years that my (44F) husband (49M) cheats on me. My husband (30M) and I (27F) have been together for 3 years and married for 5 months. EmphasisExisting54. My husband has always talked about having kids. My husband has known Clara since she was a baby and he treats her like his own little sister. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) Making my Husband change back to a basic room. Husband is covering for MIL and MIL is a borderline stalker with boundary issues. Rhewin. I was happy for him and helped him learn how to use some features he's never seen before. AITA for letting my husband leave and ruining MIL's family photos? Not the A-hole. I (49 F) had an ex husband named Jake (53). NTA, he's clearly gaslighting you and probably trying to starve you to death. My husband's late wife died 1 year before we met and we dated for 2 years before marriage. I grew up with a single mother who worked night shift at a motel. Either OP's husband gets on OP's side and sets some basic house rules or he is TA. She was cremated and my husband was given a little bit of her ashes in a small urn the size of a pill bottle. This is your husband insulting you and then going to his friends and sicking them on you. 11 had some medical procedures today and asked for takeout from one of his favorite restaurants. So reddit, AITA for 1. Sister in law #3 berated me for sharing the text with my husband saying I should've confronted my mother in law alone instead of escalating the situation. Michael is extremely rich (don't know how much he makes in a year but he recently got a bonus that's around 80x more than what I make in a year) but he has 6 kids, one was an infant when they started dating. Jun 7, 2022 · The now-viral Reddit post, titled, "AITA for telling my dad and brother they should try begging my husband for forgiveness," has been upvoted 15,700 times, garnering 600 comments since it was Then 2 years ago she started dating Michael. (2) It wasn't anything that he asked for and it was a gift to both of us. I really need clarity. Since starting out we have made financial security a priority and have been able to achieve that, albeit with some good luck along the way. My husband hasn't stopped grilling me about how I disrespected and undermined him and managed to make our daughter hate him after making him look like the bad guy, I again said he shouldn't have touched the bike, end of the story/// He's called me theif and juvenile for taking money from his savings and being sneaky about it. In addition the threatened to kill Thomas, something that very well is a crime. AITA For refusing to let my husband move his father into our home. YTA for pushing your way into a situation you admit neither you nor your wife know nothing about. AITA for canceling our vacation instead of just footing the entire cost myself? ***To clarify: She contributes 30% of her pay to our joint expenses: bills/utilities, emergency fund, retirement. This subreddit is for a podcast called Reddit On Wiki, that reads reddit stories. In April he was on a business trip for a few weeks, while I held down the fort (working remotely while taking care of baby). 17 years ago, my husband's girlfriend, who was also his childhood best friend, passed away at only 15 years old, in an accident that my husband survived. He’s been, at a minimum, emotionally cheating and deceiving OP for years - and possibly a lot more. On the last day of our trip we got a call from my husband who was acting We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. OP’s husband has been texting Kate on the down low, despite promising not to do so. Maybe you should delete this post, for your safety. I am going to divorce my husband. I (29F) and my husband (30M) have been together for 8 years. We opted not to find out the sex of the babies. She never told MIL she was pregnant. I was called cold and callous for wanting to put my foot down. Yes, he went to the funeral, which I was very uncomfortable with. We have two kids, Joan (15) and Eric (17). For the first time in our entire relationship, he fucking screamed at me. AITA for Making My Husband Miss His Best Friend's Wedding? No A-holes here. Husband (33M) and (33f) have been married for 10 years, together since college. Ok_Load4268. Being angry my husband is texting I love you's to another woman 2. We have three kids (Kyle 18 F, Karter 21 M and Knox 25 M). So, I didn't even go to my mother's funeral. -broken. This woman’s parents paid for all of her three brothers’ college expenses AITA for stealing my best friend’s husband. UPDATE: AITA For Wanting To Divorce My Husband For Wanting A Son? I didn't expect to have an update so soon, but after reading everyone's comments I decided to take action immediately and went to my brother's house. While I initially agreed with my husband's suggestion ADMIN MOD. I felt terrible because my sister practically raised me and I might have ruined her marriage because I didn't feel I could get an abortion. “John” moved here for work several years ago, from the deep… AITA for checking my husband's dashcam footage on his car without his consent. I (25 f) and my husband (27 m) went to his sister’s 13th birthday party this weekend. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts will read the story on the show. Jess is a very good friend of mine and Wild_You_3661. He did this at around 7:40am in the morning and I didn’t notice because I had just worked a double/night shift and was getting ready for bed. To the OP I am sorry you have a husband that put friends over family. This evening, I made a scene in front of my husband's family while they ate dinner at our house. We talked for hours through the night and came up with a plan. Original Post: February 22, 2024. My husband's (40M) mom passed away late last year. When I was 18 I had an affair with my sister's husband Nate (43) and when I realized I was pregnant I ran away from home. Husband ordered and picked it up. My husband's mom wanted to come along and threw temper tantrums when I said no. We (but mostly I) have been planning this for months. It has taken us a long time to get here, as I struggled with infertility issues so while the pregnancy was wanted, it was a surprise when it occured. I made it my goal to give my kids a better life. so I (32f) and my husband (35m) have been together for eight years, married for six. AITAH? Husband accused me of "financial infidelity". I recommend talking to a counselor of any women's shelter if they have any available. AITAH For telling my husband's secret? My (29f) husband, Charles (30m) went to his brother, Frank's (28m) bachelor party last weekend. The argument ended there, as my husband didn't want to "waste any more time" and went to bed. God parents doesn't mean anything in 2023. Amy didn’t blame me at all. At the same time my 4 children were at my parents and so I AITA For Accidentally Calling My Husband An Idiot For A Purchase He Made? (Burner, my husband is on reddit) My husband (40m) is really into tech (not more than medicine though I guess) and ix probably his number one bonding thing with my son (10m). He is now 24 and is still leaving at the grandparents home with his GF that does not work and her 7 YO daughter. Throw away. Throwawaystroub. Sam said he didn’t care about the rest and even made a little joke about them being the fastest moving crew he knew. They live several states away so in addition to meeting him for the first time it was also the first time I had seen my cousin in a few years. Allowing the kids to run upstairs after being told that they are not allowed upstairs is a boundary stomp on husband’s part. Demanding he cease contact with this woman and 3. 11 asked for his chicken and husband brings him a wing. About a year ago, Peter got into a car accident. My husband and I just got a puppy a few days ago and thought it would be fun to bring (1) I didn't wake my husband up after he asked me to and caused him to miss his flight. A dinner that i could've gotten a few bites of? A simple misunderstanding? They accused me of causing this shitshow and turning my husband on his own mother and disowning her like that. So, Anyways! My husband and I took 2 weeks off work to go visit some places out of the country - tourism in other words. My husband is still struggling and I've been doing my best to be kind, supportive, and understanding. Husband and I didn't make it away from the car. SILs visit MIL at least once a week and help out with things like house cleaning and gardening. I (26 F) am married to K (25 M) , i met him a few year back when my best friend and his best friend started dating, after that our friend groups kind of joined together. This is not your fight. 《Throwaway》. AITA for telling my husband not to talk our kids to my best friends birthday dinner. Two of our biggest wants/goals were he wanted a stay at home wife when we 34K votes, 3. I (22f) met my cousin’s husband (24f and 26m) last July for their wedding. AITA for exposing my cousin’s creepy husband to my entire family? Not the A-hole. Leo complained to my husband about the rule but that is that. She left behind 2 kids nearly same age as my kids (6 &9). ) Avery has always been hostile towards me, and blamed me for his parents’ divorce, despite his dad not meeting me While I don’t think you should cut down on spending time with the kids, you should recognise that all the time you spend helping doing ‘husband duties’ for your friend, take away from the time you could be spending with your wife and it’s clearly impacting your marriage. My husband bought a new phone last week. . AITA for making my husband choose between me and his son? - 5 June 2020. But OP insists she trusts her sweet, sweet fella 1000%. 2) Claim the money with only me as the beneficiary for now and change based on advice of lawyer. My husband's family came over for dinner the second time this week. This. I'm NOT an empathetic person these days but I do love his mom! Took my husband a couple of days to I just kind of hung up, and cleaned the house back up, and sat around feeling really gross. From the sounds of it, he's also a narcissist and teaching your sons to be misogynists. Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. AITA For Deciding Not To Let My Husband Into The Delivery Room? Not the A-hole. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. ADMIN. He now is on board with divorce since I hurt his "friend. Tom, Joe, a couple of cousins, and my BF went and took his clothes, electronics, important paperwork. She did not want him to go to a strip club because she finds it disrespectful and unnecessary. Three weeks ago my husband died in a car accident halfway across the country. 1K comments. Sounds like there's some confusion between her and his husband about expectations in marriage. Before that he used to have one of those old phones that didn't have many features. Note I am not calling them my stepkids because they explicitly told me I am not their stepmom, just their dad's wife. Dec 7, 2022 · aita? ETA: So this went off unexpectedly and I thought I'd show my husband some pretty helpful comments I found here minutes ago, but he got mad at me when he saw it and said I was nuts to talk about his family online. Aged 18 I married my high school sweetheart. Husband called me when his dad died and I was with his mom in 20 minutes. Yes. AITA for causing a scene when my husband's family showed up for dinner again. She is honestly amazing. Firstly the back story, I (f40) have been friends with my “best friend” for over 20 years. Thank goodness for friends, my best friend busted into our door brought her 3 kids and said she was taking me and now he was babysitting. My (37)m husband and I (35)f have been married for 9 years with two children (5)f and (8)m. MOD. My husband, who came back a day early when his father spilled that he had told me, was furious. I (32F) caught my son (15M) cuddling with his friend (15M) while they were sleeping in their room. AITA for not giving my Husband’s sister MY puppy. Or get Austin to pay for it since he is the husband's priority. If husband wants to act like a carefree college student, he should get a job and pay for it himself. Peter and I have been best friends for the majority of our time together, but things changed. Thing is I was the one who saved up for and arranged for the trip (my husband was responsible for booking the tickets). He has 2 kids 28-Madison and 26-Brett. He also has a very close friendship with his late girlfriend's younger sister “Clara” (20F). So my phone was charging on the nightstand. In my husband's family, there is a tradition of naming a baby before it is born. Background: My husband (let’s call him Will) is in the Navy, and he works on nuclear reactors on submarines. So all of my husband’s friends are also my friends and all my friends are his ADMIN MOD. •. AITA for stopping my husband from traveling? Asshole. We both have good jobs (paying close to 200K each). AITA for joking that my best friend wasn’t her husband’s first choice. 70% of her pay she keeps for her personal expenses and to spend or save how she wishes. My husband let her know that if he ever catches her lying to any of our kids about sending gifts, like she did with him, then it was over right then and there. The drama would be incredibly trivial between normal people but this combo just elevates it to a breakup lol. The GF is clearly dumb for wasting food and eating like a toddler. Open_Breadfruit_5391. My daughter and I recently went on a short trip out of state while my husband stayed as he had work and was supposed to look after our dog. Also OP did NOT lie. They do not clean much, if at all and are sloppy in many ways. I instantly got a bad vibe from I'm 44F, husband is 44M, sons are 11 and 13. I called my husband to ask him to order because I was driving. ADMIN MOD. He got hit by a drunk driver, and was in a coma for a month. Credit: Reddit. #6: AITA—Telling my parents to pay me back my college tuition if they want a relationship. My husband didn't come to many of the ultrasounds or OB appointments due to work travel but the 20 week ultrasound he rearranged work travel to be at - and we were team green. I was a mess. AITAH for causing my ex-gf’s husband (also, my previous best friend) to cry at the bar? So my wife (f30) and I (m30) attended a wedding this past weekend. Back in March, I told him I would plan most of it, where to go, and what to do, all he has to do was make sure he had the week off and My Female best friend introduced me to her Male best friend and we dated for 4 years, were living together and planning our wedding with F as the maid of honor. I’ll try to be as neutral as possible in telling this story. I decided not to wake them up and I discussed it with my husband (34M) and the possibility that our son might be gay came up. I (27F) have been married to my husband (29M) for 5 years. I (37F) and my husband (32M) expect our first child in the next few months. My husband (32m) and I (29f) planned a week vacation to New Orleans (in the US). She has been working in the military since the early 2010s and I have been working as an architect for the past few years. But he's been less attentive with our 3 kids Recently, my best friend (Meredith) and I was having a conversation about marriage where i causally mentioned that I was married and had been for years. She felt betrayed and questioned our friendship. When our son was born she was very sweet and generous with gifts and a beautiful crocheted blanket. 11 starts crying because he eats drumsticks, like I guess my pain and my marriage just isn't important. You need to stay out of it, unless someone specifically asks you to step in. We both work remotely. He was laid off from that job December 2023 and is having ego issues because everybody interviewing him is younger than him. I (34F) live with my husband (37M) and daughter (7F). I f34 and my best friend of 20 years f35 (let’s call her Liz) both got married in our early twenties. Mother’s Day is absolutely about celebrating the woman who bore (and is currently bearing!) your children. I (39f) am married to Dave (44m), and he has a son named Avery (19m) and an ex wife named Dianna (42f. My husband (30) and I (30) got married 2 weeks ago, We decided on a child free wedding due to venue choice, food choice, alcohol, location etc we included this rule in every invitation, Including the one my husband's "bestie" Leo (35) who is a widower with 4 kids. 21 August 2013 - Mansplaining (a blend word of man and the informal form splaining of the gerund explaining) is a pejorative term meaning " (for a man) to comment on or explain something, to a woman, in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner". Ive 38F been married to my husband Rob 52M for 4 years now. My husband (42m) and I (35f) had a son last year, so this is my first Mother’s Day. OP, your husband is MASSIVELY immature. It was too important of a scan from a fetal health perspective for him to miss. They were also over last week and the week before. I’m sorry your husband so horribly mistreated you. AITA for walking out in the middle of my husband's birthday dinner. I (53F) have been married to my husband Peter (M51) for 17 years. I had the opportunity to provide childcare for 2 neighborhood kids but he shot the opportunity down, saying the money I'd make is insignificant. Asshole. AITA for not allowing my late husband's affair partner come to his funeral? Not the A-hole. I was angry by his outburst so I told him that he was only being sensitive because I was technically his superior now and that what was really bothering him. He’s unsupportive, he’s unreliable, a liar and a cheater, not qualities you should look for in a spouse. Her husband (Edward) and my husband at the time (Ben) also work in the Me (f33) and my husband Chris (m36) planned a one week vacation to an out of state ski resort with our 2 kids. Also, my ex-GF Anne (31f) and her husband Jared (31f) attended the same wedding. My due date falls a week before my husband's Tricky_Blacksmith305. Frank's fiancée, Jess (26f) was very vocal about her boundaries. My husband and I live in the US northeast, where I am from. Amy (26F) and I (25F) have been best friends since high school. Dec 8, 2020 · Pay up. I think a few things are clear now to me. My husbands nephew moved into his grandparents home at 16. She decided she wanted to have her birthday party at a local river (we live in the Midwest). Your brother and your husband's cousin are adults. Couple of years later, ex friend reaches out to OP and asks to meet up. We decided we were ready last year. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. M started acting strange and disappearing at odd times and when I cried on F's shoulder about it, she berated me how I was a "bridezilla" for wanting to know where he went for hours ADMIN MOD. I felt he would be thinking of her the whole time. Trigger Warnings: child neglect, verbal abuse, emotional abuse and manipulation, teenage pregnancy, deadbeat parent. And I do hope they can figure out how to fix this. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. I didn't go to my mother's funeral. AITA for going on vacation without my husband? Not the A-hole. We went together in some countries and it was fun being with him doing so but I gotten pregnant over the pandemic so we sat down to talk about this because it was an accident. Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. Husband doesn't care if Austin is cruel to OP because Austin is the one who matters, so maybe husband should GTFO and go live with Austin. After months of stress and no results, we went to a doctor and found out my husband is infertile. Help keep the sub engaging! ADMIN MOD. mood spoilers: hopeful for her. bs qi xa py cx xe nr ms fj zx  Banner